Sunday, 5 February 2012

Denied of his milk and cookies at times by the Parliament the Maldives President got all his Cabinet Ministers to resign citing Parliament obstruction, and vows to launch an immediate Police and Defence investigation on all MP’s outside his party.

Nasheed the man we are forced to call President this is the man who formed a Presidential Commission by decree to get his political opponent’s on the pretext of past corruption and human right abuse. This is also the man who still govern in the name of a coalition although each and every party and leaders in that coalition have left citing the inhumane despotic dictatorship he established as the reason.
Although he is still using the Presidential Commission he established by decree to harass the opposition leaders many of them in the Parliament they will have none of it and still keep trying to get back the freedom justice and liberty given by former President during the reform process.
The despotic increasingly stubborn dictator, man child we call President Nasheed since becoming the President more than ever is famous for his repeated resort to extreme measures to get what he want and this time when all attempts have failed he intends to control the Legislature by getting all his cabinet members to submit resignation letters to him.
The man known for his extremist theatrical tendencies then stated that his cabinet members have submitted their resignation letters because the Parliament is obstructing their work. Inviting the media which is a first, also it is important that he is in total control of the media through the Media control Board he formed and the brother in law he appointed, he opened the letters submitted by his cabinet ministers in a display of a very Shakespearean moment. Like a scene from Shakespeare’s Macbeth the man famous for his rather theatrical attention seeking behaviours, opened all the letters one by one and then vowed to investigate the allegations against the Parliament, justifying the letters as a good enough reason for launching a Police investigation also involving the Military if necessary. All along the objective behind this whole drama executed even known to the most illiterates’ among us is, to launch possibly violent crackdowns on the Parliament members who refuse to be bought and continue to stay in their parties, despite of all the obstacles the government loyalists and president throw their way.
In front of the media Nasheed in no uncertain terms stated that the allegations made by the Cabinet Minister’s make it necessary to launch an immediate investigation against all the opposition Parliament Members and do so; why on earth with the Police getting involved?.
He also confirmed that now the Executive comprise of only him and the Vice President.
While it is beyond our understanding why he said he will get the Maldives Police controlled by his political appointees involved and also his Best friend controlled Defence in the investigation, it sure sound ominous. We have a sound Judiciary branch of the government to do the job therefore him getting the Police and the Defence involved is out of order.
On the pretext of these resignation letters how this man will once again resort to arbitrary arrests and leave Parliament members beaten unconscious in our streets is a forgone conclusion. The media that he controls with a tight hand always report on how his friend’s who became billionaires overnight while in high positions of the government, announce in party events how many MP’s they have bought, with last announcement about a week ago with Sarangu Adam Manik making a statement about how he acquired two MP’s one from the main opposition DRP and the other from opposition party PA. Bribing members to vote in the government and MDP’s favour has become so much of a culture in the Parliament, the ruling Party’s Head of Parliament Group Reeko Moosa Manik recently stated to the media, that instead of jeopardising government lines in Parliament votes for money, and bringing in new issues to the Parliament, the MP’s should ask for money in a confidential manner and they will pay.
Mohamed Nasheed a man who parades himself as a human rights champion and hoodwink the international community successfully time and again, is running a dictatorship worse than Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe a couple of years ago.
Citizen’s everywhere live in fear at the mercy of the President’s own politically appointed Councillors and Province Staff. The people are repressed and oppressed to submission and all over the country self censorship and a culture of silence got established. The journalists are too scared to report what is going on within due to the paramilitary regime loyalist forces constant attacks.
The Parliament’s all important work has become more important than ever to get the Social Justice and Liberty and democratic freedom back to the people, and to the state it was in during the reform process. However the government targeting MP’s physically abusing them by using the Police Service controlled by political appointees and doing so repeatedly has led to many MP’s unable to do their work. Now running out of options, using the most theatrical bit of drama he had yet produced by getting his Cabinet Minister’s all of them give him resignation letters, he is trying to gain full control over the Parliament..
As President the man still think that he can resort to dramatically engineered stunts, and get his way. The more he engages in this kind of drama’s to get his way the more he will lose. It is time Nasheed grow up and realise that his theatrical stunts so transparent and executed in such laughable manners will only expose him further.
The cabinet that dived under water to gain attention this time have taken a nose dive which will only work against them this time, as now the only thing the Maldivian people are interested in seeing their back not in theatrical moment’s but for real and for good.
We hope that this will be the outcome of all this, then we can move on and look at a future in the Maldives free from a tyranny of a man child exciting despotism, nepotism and tyranny against any who he suspects a non-follower, like a blind man with a sword in his hand. God help our MP’s.

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