Monday, 6 February 2012

Maldives suffers the consequences of Dictator Mohamed Nasheed’s failed state. The Military along with the ruling party thugs take law in their hands and have arrested more than 100 Police officers keeping them hostage inside the MDP tent while their thugs put fire to the Private TV Chanel VTV’s building

The Maldives Military along with the ruling party thugs are attacking peaceful protestors and Officers of the Maldives Police Service while the thugs are putting fire to anywhere they can, mainly premises that belong to the main opposition parties.

Brutal Military attack on the Maldives Police Officers started tonight with the Military accusing the Police Officers of defection when they refused to beat, pepper spray and arrest peaceful protestors. The assault carried on the peaceful protestors that participated in the protests against the government for the last 3 weeks led to victims fighting for their lives in ICU units across various hospitals in the Capital Male’.

Some of the victims include, Amnesty International’s Prisoner of Conscience Journalist Sandhaanu Ahamaidhee, who as we speak remains fighting for his life in the ICU connected to a ventilator after been attacked by 3 Military officers with a poisonous spray.

We are calling the Military to stop their assault on an independent force the Maldives Police Service and also to end their violent crackdown on peaceful protestors to please a Dictator that is worse than Hitler, and has only his self interest in mind..

Ruling MDP thugs and Military are trying to protect the failed rule of Dictator Mohamed Nasheed. He has openly declared that he will act outside the Constitution use power of decree to do whatever he likes and no one can imagine what evil he do to protect his self-interests. After naming the Maldives Judiciary with the intention of taking control over the Judiciary; he arrested Judge Abdulla with the help of the Military. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Maldives Judiciary except that he cannot buy the Judges the way he bought MP’s to secure the Parliament.

Nasheed’s whole family for generation have been terrorists. His grandfather was the terrorist that imported a gun to kill the first President of the second Republic Ibrahim Nasir. His father and his uncle masterminded the attempted Coup that killed 20 Maldivians in 1988. He himself is the terrorist that tried to blow the famous Conference whole Dharubaaruge during the SAARC conference in 1991.

The man is a terrorist, his party is filled with thugs and ex-prisoners and drug addicts. His government from top to bottom were engaged in bearing themselves in the World Wide Web engaging in sex with themselves, while to keep his regime going he has sold all the state assets including the Maldives National Airport that is leading to the death of Tourism due to airlines stopping their flights to Maldives due to the hiked price.

We are calling on international intervention in bringing a peaceful transition to the country and an immediate instalment of a transitional government. Meanwhile we are calling on the military to stop behaving like eunuch slaves to terrorist Nasheed and his terrorist group MDP and save the country from this highly violent anarchical terrorist group.