Sunday, 5 February 2012

Time to Clear the confusion created over who’s who of Corruption by the hypnotist MDP and why we the people should make a stand to combat it

Corruption is most commonly defined as the abuse of public power for private benefit and violation of formal rules to do so (Khan 1998). If this is so there is no doubt we have currently a President with an army of political appointees who openly repeatedly declares that he will go outside the Constitution to get what he wants. In fact he has done so more than a few times in the recent months alone.
It is no secret that the political party MDP as the party in power and Nasheed as the President of Maldives act in their own interest and for personal gains. In fact the Head of MDP Parliamentary group and the President appointed, Head of the Capital City Male’ Sarangu Adam Manik; both have publicly stated they have bribed and bought opposition MP’s to join the ruling party MDP, and will do so in the future. Other public acts of abuse of power which according to experts are deemed as corruption, involve the failure of the Head of Military and the Head of Maldives Police Service to appear at an inquiry held about the repeated illegal arrests of MP’s carried out on the President’s order.
Violation of the Constitution and disregard to rule of law are unacceptable acts of Corruption committed almost on a daily basis by the President and his political appointees. Any act that disregard the rule of law in a democratic political system is classified as serious as abuse of Public funds for private gain.
Then why are we ignoring the repeated speeches and acts of the government of MDP that are deemed as serious cases of corruption. If our Judiciary is too intimidated and scared to take action against this government and the President is it not time that we the Maldivian people do something about it. Not only acts outside the Constitution but daily acts of selling our national assets under market value and then buying MP’s using that money are acts of corruption the government of MDP and President Nasheed engage in and that we keep ignoring and undermining. How long are we going to stay silent? We the people of Maldives are like zombies. We the people of Maldives are in-active, lethargic, detached and in a state of profound coma even though the poverty, crimes, social ills are claiming the lives of our sons and daughters. Is it not time to act? Please wake up!! Time to wake up!!!
We have to protect our democracy and our financial well-being and our future. This government is treating our state coffers and our state assets as their own to be abused at their own freewill. As a democracy freewill in reality should be exercised by the people and it is time we exercise it to discard the tyrannical group of MDP that is suffering from dementia and forgot how and why they are in power. Transparency and accountability of governance that this government used as reasons why they want to come to power and why we should elect them holds no meaning to them. We the people have to realise right now that we are in an economic crisis and if we keep quite and let the Parliament to struggle alone to stop this government we will be in serious trouble by the time the term ends for the MDP and Nasheed.
We have the freedom to express, to participate, to demonstrate, and it is time we use all those democratic freedom to protect ourselves. Corruption and nepotism of this government and particularly the daring corruptive moves of the President and the outspoken claims over acts of corruption by President’s political appointees need to be noticed and stopped. By staying silent we are encouraging them to become worse.
It is time we question why on earth we allowed this President to establish an office for his friend David Hardingham in Salisbury. This is abuse of power and corruption in the most serious form and there is no way Nasheed can justify this action as the President of Maldives, an act that can only be described as a favour for a friend done by using state assets and money. He is still carrying on right in front of our eyes. Why on earth are we allowing the MDP to buy MP’s and offer political posts to people that pledge loyalty. We all know that MP Alhan Fahmy switched from a Wave motorbike to a BMW the day he signed for ruling MDP.
We the Maldivian people and our communities are withered in a life of poverty. It is time we stand against this government and bring an end to it. It is time we speak out and stand against the autocratic, nepotist, corruptive government of MDP and Mohamed Nasheed. Citizens have stood up and carried out revolutions from scratch to overthrow corruptive rulers like Mohamed Nasheed. Even if a few of us could muster up the courage to stand and make some noise, we can send a strong signal.
Remember it was the three brothers from Utheem that brought the Portuguese rule to an end. Remember it was Prophet Mohamed(PBUH) with a handful few that won the war of Badr. Time to act and open our eyes to the truth of this corrupt, nepotist, despotic government. Do not stay dazed by their drama, and do not stay frustrated, but act on that frustration. It is our job to put our country in the right path and we can only do so by standing for ourselves and getting rid of corruptive autocratic leaders like Mohamed Nasheed. It is irrelevant that it has been only two years, as we already know where he is heading to, taking us to. The sooner the better.

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