Sunday, 5 February 2012

Subservient to the mighty nations and amid internal failures the hopeless President of Maldives obliges to become the latest dumping ground for US Guantanamo Bay prisoners

Even though the Maldivian people are clearly consistently opposing the decision the President who does not care about citizen rights ordered them not to ask him any question about his decision to offer their country as a dumping ground for US Guantanamo prisoners. The people have lost their faith in this government due to the dictatorial autocratic method the new government employs in running the supposed to be new democracy. Citizen’s civil liberties are denied by the government over and over. The people are marginalised from all kinds of decision-making where mistakes as such have left the people and the country at the mercy of the Indian Military among other things. A government paranoid about freedom of speech, expression and association has made hundreds of decisions that take’s the rights of the people away and put them at risk.
Terrorism is a reality and the US unwilling to keep the prisoners in their own country are putting vulnerable countries like Maldives at risk, while a desperate President in Maldives keep obliging to maximise his chances of staying in power amid internal economic, social and political crisis.
The President does not feel that he has a moral responsibility to the people who elected him, when he denied the media the chance to question him about his decision, a decision that he took himself, without consultation to any of the stakeholders while treating us feel like we are a trash bin for the countries he is subservient to, be it US or India.
The government of President Nasheed and MDP has established a system where he is increasingly becoming a slave to the international community and countries without considering the serious consequences and welfare of the Maldivian people. He behaves like a despotic autocrat and sees to it that no body including the other political parties, citizens know or have a say in what he does.
Democracy is supposed to bring power, freedom and civil liberties to the people; however that is something that is sealed and denied like never before since President Nasheed came to power. Yesterday, when he met journalists for the first time in nearly a year he not only told them not to ask question about his decision to tell the US that he wants to bring Guantanamo Bay prisoners to Maldives but also accused the other political parties of trying to bring his rule to an end. He also claimed that when it comes to Maldives he is the only man who got it right and knows best how to bring governments down but will not share his experience.
Not worrying about the destitution we the Maldivian people face, how many that cannot pay their electricity bills, how many gets murdered in our streets, how many families are breaking apart due to financial problems brought by constantly rising inflation rates, how many criminals are roaming in our streets, how many are hooked on drugs and how many are left unemployed by his job cuts, he claimed that he is doing a good job. None of the sufferings that he brought on the people; all within a matter of two years does not bother him at all. All that matters to President Nasheed is to give into his cravings for a few headline with his name mentioned here and there in the international media, when all he is doing is putting us at risk in a dangerous unknown place by bringing in these alien prisoners.
While every state in the US refused taking in those prisoners we a vulnerable country that has nothing to do with all this are put in this situation.
A man who cages prisoners in his own country, and kills them in custody lovingly taking prisoner’s from Guantanamo Bay, a notorious prison full of dangerous terrorists show the double standard he uses when it come’s to his own people.
It was only last week he ordered the Maldives Police to use electric baton, water cannon and tear gas on thousands of protestors protesting against the hiked prices of electricity; leaving opposition MP’s unconscious in the street, others still paralysed in the hospitals. Since it is our country and we voted him to become the President we have every right to question his actions, and we will make sure that this tough talk fails him and his party in the upcoming local election as 2013 election is still a long way away.

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