The unlawful arrest of Judges of the Judiciary and opposition politicians with the Military taking Judges hostages on Dictator Nasheed’s order on and off since their Dictatorship have been the ruling culture of MDP and Dictator Nasheed. They thought Dictator Nasheed holding a Judge from the Judiciary hostage in solitary confinement will be endorsed by the internationally community; and they have boasted about how no international organisation or country has asked them to act lawfully.
Dictator Nasheed and his team were confident that the man’s PR success as popular environmental crusader internationally will fool the world to become blind to what a Dictator he is when it comes to his own people. But their woodworking is no longer paying off, although Dictator’s PR team has published propaganda in newspapers all over the world resorting to desperate lies. The Foreign Minister who happens to be Dictator’s own uncle was so confident that the international community will believe whatever lies they tell; went as far as sending a letter to the United Nation saying that they need help with sorting out the Maldives Judiciary. These MDP goons do not realise that no legal institution, NGO, particularly UN will never endorse, the illegal kidnapping of a Judge, taken off from his home in front of his small children, with the use of Military and held in solitary confinement for over 2 weeks now. Increasingly dictatorial and delusional with their unlawful violent acts against the Maldivian people so common, the MDP dictatorship received the following response and hopefully a wake up call to come to their senses.
A spokesperson for the United Nation according to AP said, “While acknowledging the challenges Maldives faces in reforming and strengthening its judiciary, we believe that Judge Abdullah should either be treated with due process, meaning he should be properly charged moved from military detention, and brought before a court, or released,” she said.
The article also said, “The military arrested Abdulla Mohamed, the chief judge at the Maldives Criminal Court, nearly two weeks ago after he freed a government critic who had been detained without a warrant. The government accuses of the judge of corruption and political bias but has not brought him to court for any offences. The vice-president, Supreme Court and the Judicial Service Commission, which inquires into complaints against judges, have called unsuccessfully for his release. The military has also ignored a High Court order to produce the judge for a hearing of complaints against him. The arrest has sparked daily street protests that has resulted in clashes between police and opposition activists”.
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