Sunday, 5 February 2012

The Indian knifing thieving GMR is the shadow government of Maldives. Although they are losing billions everywhere our airport that they fooled Dictator Nasheed to sell; remains the only golden goose of the company. No wonder why they are removing the presence of any Maldivian from it and replacing it with their own

We have a shadow government in our country that is controlling the incumbent MDP and Viyazoru President Mohamed Nasheed’s government. The new government is GMR. They have enslaved the MDP and Viyazoru Mohamed’s regime and chopped their balls off to do whatever they fancy to our people. It is time we get rid of them to once again to take control our country and protect the rights freedom and social justice of the Maldivian people. But first this company that has started a shadow government of their own in the country and enslaves us is in deep trouble and are not going to leave us alone, because they are in deep financial trouble and we are the solution to their problem. Therefore we might have to put up the same fight that our forefathers put against these Voraaviyafariverin few decades ago.
An article that appeared in the newspaper Economic Times/ India Times stated,
“GMR Infrastructure today reported a consolidated net loss of Rs 66.69 crore for the quarter ended June 30, mainly due to lower revenues from Delhi Airport, high interest costs and increased tax pay-out….The company had reported a net profit of Rs 28.44 crore during the corresponding period of the last fiscal, GMR Group CEO Subbarao Amarthaluru told reporters here…
Also it said, “The Company incurred a loss of Rs 192 crore because of the higher costs at Delhi airport.”…
The following statement by the chief and thief of staff Subbarao indicates that our National Airport that they hoodwinked Stingy Vorraviyafariverin loving President Kalhu Mohamed is the main method of holding their business together. What a loss to us and a gain to these Indian thieves. He said,
“On company’s profitability in the future the company’s highways segment was expected to break even by the year end. “Energy is already a profit-making vertical and Male and Hyderabad airports are performing well,” he added.”
Who sells the most profitable company that their nation owns, well it will be a dim-wit like Nasheed. This GMR they are creating huge wealth for their own while completely getting rid of the presence of any Maldivian from the airport. Decade old businesses have been ordered by GMR to close shop and their lifelong businesses ended; when GMR forced them to close their duty free shops in the airport. The Maldivian people are the losers here. They are losing their jobs and businesses at a time when they are hit by economic hardship and poverty of the worst experienced in history and the power these people have over Anni and his MDP group means they are in control.
I bet this GMR will steal everything, leaving nothing as they are doing now so mercilessly bleeding the country dry with total control they have over the dictatorship we have. There are no words in the English dictionary that can describe these pitiless vultures and the stingy Dictator Kalhu Mohamed that sold our biggest asset to these scavengers.
Nasheed is hooked and prostituting for GMR because they are covering the expenses of his and his cronies, their salaries, trips, buying of MP’s while putting us in debt more and more. Nasheed has not only transferred our nation’s biggest wealth to these Indian scavenger GMR but this GMR is running the show, running the country, belittling us, destroying our local businesses, our economy our livelihood. Obviously we are at their mercy and we are the only one that can save ourselves from this slavery the worst form of take-over.
This Indian Infrastructure company has disabled the current government of Maldives, chopped their balls off and ours too. The man we call President and his cronies watch on helpless as they take control over the nation and attack our own people destructing and destroying our very own one by one.
Mohamed Nasheed is a terrorist as he has not only sold his government and himself to this Indian company GMR, but also sold us the nation to be bled dry.
This new year I pray that this GMR becomes so bankrupt that they lose it all and close shop in the Maldives which is the only way I see them stop occupying the Maldives. Yes we are under an occupation. Our feeble dictatorial to us government is helpless, to stop them. Enslaved at the mercy of GMR it is time we take matters to our own hands and chase these knifing thieves out similar to the way we chased the “Voraviyafarri, Kalhu Mohamed enslaving, hidden government of Maldives that became a nuisance to our forefathers” GMR is running Maldives doing whatever they want to our people. Don’t just stand there and watch.. Take back your country and claim back your rights and power back to the people.

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