The birth of the MDP in Maldives, its leaders, their behaviour, their lack of leadership, most of all lack of discipline as mere human beings, from then on we have immediately decided against giving them any kind of power, in the Maldives. Unfit to shape their acts, most moves out of control, always a danger to the existence of stable political environment, their thug like, gang oriented, violent methods defied all the norms of not only the country, but democratic politics. However due to the very own people currently under arrest and held in detention and their party supporters, Mohamed Nasheed was able to become the President of Maldives and MDP the ruling Party.
A President has to have the capacity to solve problems in time of political crisis, defend his Presidency and the state, overcome all obstruction that gets thrown in his way by his political opponents and he has to do all this by adopting diplomatic and democratic methods. His lack of ability to solve problems that let him take illusionary wayward methods that he used during his activist days, as President and ask his whole cabinet to resign and protest in the streets is a failure that we will never be able to ignore. A very foolish decision indeed. Getting his cabinet to resign is, like quitting his own job and committing political suicide, as there is no way that the Maldivian people be able to continue and accept him as the Head of State.
The only solution to the problem lies on him being able to rise above all these mistakes, to think calmly and find a solution by adopting more diplomatic and saner routes to end the crisis; however he is still getting his activists headed by Cabinet Ministers who resigned to scream abuse against all his political opponents in the streets of the Capital and every major island in series of daily protests.
Maldivian people!!! It is time we say enough is enough. Clearly with the multiple, one sided protests held by government agents, heavily controlled by a Military and the Police that allows only government agents to use the streets for political expression while the opposition supporters are banned, we have to take control and we have to bring back power to the people. Democratic, civil, political rights the MDP leaders and supporters although have forgotten is a right equally granted in the Constitution, not for just the party in government but for each and every other political leader, parties and citizens alike.
Waiting time is over people. The action of one man has not only disabled the function of the Executive. But since his Cabinet resigned, Mohamed Nasheed is using his political tools in the Parliament, to disrupt every meeting; therefore the Legislature is disabled too, unable to conduct even one session since the Cabinet resigned. The next power of the country the Judiciary, and the Judges are blowing the trumpet of the President because the President having the Exclusive power to nominate Judges, is threatening them, saying that he will not nominate them if they do not follow orders. Therefore the Judiciary is a total farce taking illegal measures to pleasure the President, granting arbitrary detention of the opposition MP’s and continuing their house arrest among other charades perpetrated by Nasheed. Similarly the fourth pillar of democracy, the Media it looks like belongs to the MDP and President Nasheed while his spokesman unashamedly admitting that they are using our money, the state coffers to buy air time worth two hundred thousand rufiyaa for each episode even in the limited private media, while the resigned Ministers also continue to trip around the country, use State vehicles and other luxuries which they have no right whatsoever to after resigning.
We have to take the initiative and we have to lead ourselves and take steps to end this crisis. We are the one with the power in making Mohamed Nasheed and everyone else responsible. It is time to take control of the situation. Enough of being the spectators, and enough of watching the one man show that has been put on for the last two weeks . Our country is in the worst economic crisis we have ever seen and using this excuse since this government came to power, we have to suffer from mounting debt, high inflation rate, public service deprivations and job cuts while murder and violent crimes have disabled our island communities.
The President has crossed all his limits and he has no right to continue in the position without taking immediate steps to solve the problems we are facing today. We need a functioning Executive and a Parliament to rise out of the economic and social crisis and deprivations faced by the country. Therefore it is time we help ourselves.
It is time we call on the President to make this our business and let us have our say.
We have to call on an immediate referendum to decide on whether we want to continue with Mohamed Nasheed as our President; who at the first site of difficulty had got his whole Cabinet to resign and is arresting opposition leaders by the dozen, charging them and anyone who oppose him with sedition and corruption while his MP’s are freely going around caught on tape offering millions to MP’s like Mahloof from the opposition and successfully buying MP’s like Alhan fahmy among others in the process.
It is critical we intervene, and we call on the Maldivian people to take matters into their own hands. Dear beloved citizens you have to do this on your own. Sort out our country and get us out of this political mess this President has failed to sort out and is continuing to exacerbate. Take the initiative and get on with it.
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